The Abyss

                                     image: Cristian Newman via 

They spill over from my cupboards
sarees, shirts and ubiquitous LBDs
boxfuls of chunky oxidized jewelry
exotic dishes served in expensive crockery

How can I flaunt and celebrate my favorites
when people are dying around us
hungry, anonymous, in dark hellholes,
away from loved ones in hospital wards

Viciously the virus proliferates
sucking the vibrant universe
into the abyss of hopelessness
desolation and brokenness

The ominous darkness shrouds days
into a ceaseless evil night
yet survive bigotry, hatred and prejudices.
Would God ever bless us with rejuvenating light?

#NaPoWriMo #ArtoonsInn #PoetryParlour #Day14 #Colors


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