I Do

                                         Image: Nick Karvounis via Unsplash.com

They amble in gaily, with radiant smiles 
hennaed hands, a love ballad on their lips
the pandit chants the prayers and mantras
the priest reads the seven wedding vows
breaking into a merry song and dance
the loved ones shower choicest blessings

No glass bangles tinkle in joyous anticipation
no hair partings adorned with a streak of vermillion
nor is here, a bride decked up with fragrant buds of jasmine
just an exchange of garlands, rings and 'I do' in unison
binds them in happy matrimony - the two jolly men
promising a lifetime celebration of undying love and passion.

#NaPoWriMo #ArtoonsInn #PoetryParlour #Day11 #BanglesVermillionJasmine


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