Language Of Fear

#Day6 #NaPoWriMo #ArtoonsInn # PoetryParlour #Fear

we stand at the edges
of our silence
uneasy in the nothingness
that has erupted between us

he turns around
without a word
without a backward glance
he just walks away into the setting sun

I wake up shrieking, terrified
it recurs often, the nightmare
the panic, the breathlessness
and...the dark fear

some fear is good and desirable
he would often say
it keeps you awake and alert
about the impending doomsday

It bleeds me-his desertion
yet I sit there, amidst the debris
of our lost love
desolation vitiating my very being
I still lie awake, unblinking,
afraid to fall asleep,
lest it return-the nightmare.
I still want to dream of his return.

the moon traverses a still sky,
I wait for the rejuvenating sun.
The sun rises.
The dawn never comes.


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