Stream of Love
Sharing a small poem first posted on my Facebook page on the occasion of Valentine's Day.
The setting sun melted the golden sands into a deep burnt orange and red,
Gently swaying hibiscus blooms caressed her mahogany strands,
From the thatched shack nearby, a heavenly aroma of sizzling pancakes towards her wafted,
Chirpy laughter of the young owners stoked the embers,
Of some suppressed memories as the lovelorn warbler cooed,
Undulating waters of the river echoed his 'I love you' chants,
A shy smile hesitantly crept to her grim lips as his flying kisses colored her cheeks red,
Streams of his boundless love replenished her solitary heart's parched recesses
She melted into his inviting arms just as the sun, in the vast river, was buried
And a silver moon showered from the heavens, the divine blessings.

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