The Snowflake

I have attempted Etheree style of poetry before. An Etheree poem has as many syllables in a line as is its number. For examples the first line would have just one syllable, the second with two syllables, the third would have three and so on.
Today it's a double Etheree which means that half of the poem is a straight Etheree and the second half is reverse Etheree.


it's here,


baring its fangs.

I could have braved it

if you had stood by me,

adorned myself with the stars

worn the half moon as a necklace.

But you chose to be a fragile leaf,

quivering even before the soft breeze.

You retreated like the high tide in sea.

The shadows darkened, swallowing me,

I could have braved them, undaunted

by the menacing abyss.

But you melted away

like a frail snowflake

perched on a leaf

in the wild




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